In the state of Goa, Goa trance parties can take place in unusual locations such as on a beach, in a desert or in the middle of the forest, although it is not uncommon for them to be held in conventional locations like clubs. Today, the need to pay the local police baksheesh means that they're generally staged around a bar, even though this may only be a temporary fixture in the forest or beach. Once the baksheesh is paid, then the party-goers are free to bring out their charas and fill their chillums without fear of getting arrested.

The parties around the New Year tend to be the most chaotic with busloads of people coming in from all places such as Mumbai, Delhi, Bangalore and the world over. Travelers, beggars and sadhus from all over India pass by to join in.

Typical Goa trance music tracks

"Mahadeva" - Astral Projection
"Mystical Appearance in Goa" - Etnica
"Sinai" - Talamasca
"Gift of the Gods" - Cosmosis
"Teleport" - Man With No Name
"Spiritual Healing" - The Muses Rapt
"The Tale of Taketori" - Ubar Tmar
"The Neuromancer" - Shakta

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